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Human Anatomy W25

  •  English    15     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How does our nose protect against diseases?
    Nasal hair keeps out dust and larger micro organisms. The production of mucus also helps trap pathogens.
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  • What does our skin create a barrier against?
    The skin is a complete barrier against pathogens (unless cut)
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  • What do our trachea and bronchus produce? Why?
    Both of these produce mucus to catch pathogens, and are lined with cilia (hairs).
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  • Tell me two facts about white blood cells.
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  • What are the three ways white blood cells defend the body?
    White blood cells defend the body in three different ways: phagocytosis; producing antibodies; producing antitoxins.
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  • What is cytoplasm?
    Cytoplasm is the liquid substance of a cell.
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  • What are phagocytes?
    Phagocytes are a type of white blood cell that engulf pathogens
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  • How do phagocytes engulf (or swallow) pathogens?
    Cytoplasm engulfs the pathogens!
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  • What do white blood cells do when they detect antigens?
    When white blood cells detect these antigens, they produce antibodies (proteins) in response.
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  • The antibodies ______ the antigens, rendering them useless, whilst other white blood cells now _____ them.
    The antibodies LOCK ONTO the antigens, rendering them useless, whilst other white blood cells now DESTROY them.
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  • Name 3 vaccinations.
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  • Why is there a flu shot every year?
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  • Have you ever had the flu? What treatment methods did you use?
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  • What are chicken pox?
    Chickenpox is a virus that spreads easily from person to person. It presents as itchy, red bumps all over the skin.
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  • What is one way we CANNOT prevent impetigo?
    Try to keep sores uncovered for faster healing.
    Wash contaminated items.
    Wash hands regularly.
    Don’t share towels or bedding with anyone who has impetigo.
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