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Sentence Structures (recognise)

  •  English    24     Public
    Simple, Compound, and Complex sentences
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A simple sentence is:
    one independent clause
  •  10
  • A compound sentence connects two independent clauses by using:
    comma fanboys, or a semicolon
  •  15
  • A complex sentence includes:
    one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses
  •  20
  • A signal word that shows the beginning of a dependent clause is also known as which type of conjunction: coordinating, correlating, or subordinating?
    a subordinating conjunction!
  •  5
  • Which type of sentence structure is this: She ran home through the woods near her house.
    simple sentence
  •  10
  • Name one example of a subordinating conjunction
    when, because, since, although, even though, that, if, etc
  •  5
  • Name one example of a coordinating conjunction.
    For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
  •  5
  • Which type of sentence structure is this: Even though it rained last night, the ground was dry this morning.
    complex sentence
  •  20
  • Which type of sentence structure is this: I can sign up for Spanish Heritage, or I can choose a STEM class.
    compound sentence
  •  10
  • What is the signal word in this complex sentence: Kate can still attend the White Sox game if it's raining.
  •  15
  • Which type of sentence structure is this: My legs fell asleep, so I got up and started moving around.
    compound sentence
  •  15
  • How many independent clauses are in this sentence: There is nothing like a root beer float; it is the best treat on a summer day even though it might give you brain freeze.
  •  25
  • Which type of sentence structure is this: Suzie held her little brother's hand crossing the street.
    simple sentence
  •  20
  • Which type of sentence structure is this: When it starts getting dark out, mom wants us home.
    complex sentence
  •  20
  • How many independent clauses are in this sentence: The sun is so bright; Lou is angry he forgot his sunglasses.
  •  10
  • Which type of sentence structure is this: Shelly's dog drooled all over our carpet.
    simple sentence
  •  10