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G1A - Lesson 30 (Reading comp)

  •  English    10     Public
    From Cows To You
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • p94 - What do these cows do?
    They make the milk we drink.
  •  15
  • p95 - Where do cows go in the winter? What does the farmer do?
    In the barn. Gives them hay to eat.
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  • p95 - What happens if they eat good food?
    They make good milk.
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  • p96 - Why is it hard work to be a dairy farmer?
    They must milk the cow every morning and evening.
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  • p96 - How do they milk the cow on small farms and big farms?
    By hand. With machines.
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  • p97 - Why does the milk go in a tank?
    So it stays cool. Soon it goes to the dairy.
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  • p98 - What happens at the dairy?
    The milk is boiled to kill the germs.
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  • p99 - What happens to the milk after the dairy? 
    It is put in bottles and taken to the supermarket.
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  •  p100 - What is a DAIRY PRODUCT?
    Something made from milk, like cheese and ice cream.
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  • p101 - Tell me a fun fact about cow's milk?
    Most cows give 90 glasses per day. Some farmers say they give more milk when music is playing.
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