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M1 - Active Learning

  •  English    27     Public
    Active Learning in a Passive Learning World
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name one reason why it is important to have a homework routine:
    (answers will vary- teacher's approval)
  •  15
  • What is a K-W-L chart? (what does 2 out of the 3 letters stand for...)
    Know, What I Want to know, Learned
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  • The opposite of being an active learner is being a ____________ learner.
  •  15
  • An active listener makes ____________ to the real world around them and their schemas.
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  • True or false: Active learners often depends on rewards like money or gifts to learn.
    False- these are traits of a passive learner
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  • Why is good lighting important in a study space?
    Bad lighting can make you unfocused or even tired.
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  • What does it mean to "clutterbust" your workspace?
    Toss out trash. File or toss old papers. Stack books and papers neatly. Clear a space large enough to hold an open textbook and open binder.
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  • True or false: When studying or completing homework, you want to limit your breaks.
    True- you might never come back to your work!
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  • Work for ___________ minutes before taking a 5 minute break.
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  • Why do you want to change your mindset before starting homework?
    A bad attitude makes it harder to get the job done and shows up in the quality of your work
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  • Your teacher just assigned a book called The Pearl. Other than the fact it was written by a guy named John Steinbeck, you know nothing about it. How can you build a plan/scheme for The Pearl?
    Google the author, read the reviews, search about pearl diving
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  • By the time Katie gets home from softball practice and starts her science homework, she can’t remember much of what she learned in class that day. What techniques can she use to activate his scheme/plan of the day’s science lesson?
    Review notes or class worksheets
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  • State two advantages of a workspace that is adequately stocked with supplies.
    (answers will vary- teacher decision)
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  • Quinn loves technology. She keeps in all of her devices within reach as she does homework. Lately her grades are slipping. What's your advice to Quinn about her workspace?
    Remove distractions
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  • What are the benefits of activating your scheme/plan before learning new material?
    Helps you to make connections.
  •  15
  • As much as possible, do your homework at the _________________ time and in the _________________ place every day.
    Same, Same
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