Game Preview

G2A - Lesson 11 (Reading comp)

  •  English    10     Public
    A Visit to the Desert
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • p103 - Why was Tim unhappy?
    He had to visit his grandma.
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  • p103 - Where did Tim's grandma live and what was she eager to do?
    In Nevada. She was eager to take him on a desert hike.
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  • p104 - Why do animals enjoy living in the desert?
    It gives them freedom to move about (roam).
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  • p104 - What else did Tim learn about how the animals live in the desert? What did Tim wonder?
    They adapt to the hot climate. If he would adapt to the heat.
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  • p105 - How does a tortoise keep cool?
    He looks for shadows and burrows underground.
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  • p105 - Why does the tortoise like to go underground?
    He likes the silence and sense of safety.
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  • p106 - How does the jack rabbit stay cool?
    Its long ears help.
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  • p106 - How does the Great Horned Owl stay cool?
    Sleep during the day and hunt at night.
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  • p107 - How did Tim change how he felt about the desert? And the climate?
    He enjoyed it. He felt fresh.
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  • p107 - Would you like to visit the desert? Why or why not?
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