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The space race

  •  English    16     Public
    Questions about the space
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  • Who was the first man in space?
    Yuri Gagarin
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  • Voyager 2 took a message into space that included music by the Rolling Stones.
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  • How old is the moon?
    4.5 billion years old
    45 million years old
    4.5 million years old
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  • What was the name of the famous Russian space station?
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  • On February 20, 1962, John Glenn orbited Earth for 4 hours 55 minutes. How many times did he orbit Earth in that time?
    three times
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  • Luke Skywalker is a character from which space movie?
    Star Wars
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  • When did Beagle 2 land on Mars?
    December 25, 2003
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  • What was the first planet visited by a spacecraft from Earth in 1962?
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  • It would take 100,000 light years to travel from one end of our galaxy to the other. What is a light year?
    the distance light travels in one year
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  • What is the L5 Society?
    people who want to be the first to live on another planet
    astronauts who have traveled in space
    people who claim to have seen beings from another planet
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  • Two spacecraft met in space in July 1975. What was special about the meeting
    It was the first space meeting of Russians and Americans
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  • What does UFO stand for?
    Unidentified Flying Object
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  • What keeps all of the planets in orbit around the sun?
    The force of gravity/ Gravity
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  • Who was the first person (recorded in history) to look through a telescope?
    Galileo Galelei
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  • What do all planets do on their axis?
    Rotation/ They rotate.
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  • What is the windiest planet in the solar system?
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