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G1A - Lesson 29 (Reading comp)

  •  English    12     Public
    A Look At Breakfast
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • p96 - What is good for breakfast?
  •  15
  • p96 - What is bread made from?
    Wheat > Flour > Bread
  •  15
  • p97 - What do we do with the flour to make bread?
    Make dough then bake it.
  •  15
  • p98 - What is good to put on bread?
    Grape jam
  •  15
  • p98 - Is the grape jam done in this picture?
    No it isn't jam yet.
  •  15
  • p99 - What happens to every grape?
    It is crushed
  •  15
  • p99 - After the grape is crushed what happens to it?
    It is cooked.
  •  15
  • p100 - What is good to drink for breakfast?
    Orange juice
  •  15
  • p101 - What happens soon after the orange is ready?
    It will get pulled down from the tree.
  •  15
  • p101 - What happens to the oranges after they are pulled down?
    They are crushed to get juice.
  •  15
  • p102 - How do people get the food for breakfast?
    They buy it from the supermarket.
  •  15
  • p103 - Where does bread, grape jam and orange juice come from?
    Wheat, grapes and oranges
  •  15