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G1B - Lesson 9 (Reading comp)

  •  English    10     Public
    From Puppy Dog to Guide Dog
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • p100 - Why does a guide dog need to be clever?
    He will help people who cannot see (blind people)
  •  15
  • p101 - How old is a puppy when a new home is found?
    8 weeks old.
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  • p102 - What does the family do with the puppy for 1 year?
    Play with it. Feed it. Help it stay healthy. Teach it many things.
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  • p103 - What does the puppy learn?
    It learns how to be nice to people. To do jobs. To go out in the city.
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  • p104 - What does it learn outside?
    How to cross the street. To stay near the trainer. To stop at a red signal.
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  • p104 - How can this help a blind person?
    To cross the street.
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  • p105 - What kind of people can a dog help? 
    People who cannot move or walk. 
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  • p105 - What hard tasks can it do? (see pictures)
    Get an elevator. Help with shopping
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  • p106 - If a person cannot hear what would the dog do?
    Gently poke the person with his nose.
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  • p107 - Is it easy or hard to train a dog? Why might owners write to the trainers?
    Hard. They may write to say thank you.
  •  15