Game Preview


  •  English    23     Public
    Guess the word using the riddle
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  • I'm clear and wet, and I quench your thirst. You drink me and swim in me. Hint: H2O
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  • I'm a hard brown fruit with a delicious white center. Shake me, and you can hear the liquid inside. Hint: C.....
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  • I'm a bright ball in the sky that gives us light and warmth during the day. Hint: this is easy.  No hint needed!
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  • I make you feel chilly and make you want to bundle up. I'm the opposite of hot. Hint: rhymes with bold, sold, hold
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  • I make you feel warm and can make things steam. I'm the opposite of cold. Hint: rhymes with "not", "pot" and "lot"
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  • I'm a tasty drink made from squeezing fruits. I come in different flavors and quench your thirst. Hint: J.... 
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  • I'm a round object that you can jump through or roll on the ground. Hint: Not ball. Starts with H...
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  • I'm the clothing you wear when you go swimming. I cover your body while you're in the water.
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  • I'm a pair of dark glasses that you wear to protect your eyes from the sun's bright light.  Hint: two words made into one
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  • I'm a hat that baseball players wear on their head to keep the sun out of your eyes. Hint:3 letters, but not "hat" 
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  • I'm round and can be used in many games. You can throw, kick, or bounce me. Hint: B...
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  • I have wheels and go on your feet. You can glide on smooth surfaces with me. Hint: S....
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  • I take you from one place to another. You can sit or stand on me while moving. Hint: R...
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  • I hang from a high place and move back and forth. You sit on me and go up in the air. Hint: S....
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  • I'm an activity where you lie in the sun to relax and get a tan. Hint: two words put together
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  • I'm made of soap and air. You blow me and I float in the air, then pop. Hint: B......
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