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Business Idioms

  •  English    23     Public
    Business Idioms
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  • Start off on the right foot: To ensure a successful partnership, it's important to establish trust and open communication from the very beginning. Starting off on the right foot is crucial.
    begin something in a positive or correct way
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  • Get the ball rolling: Let's organize a kickoff meeting to get the ball rolling on the new project.
    to begin or start an activity or process
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  • Keep someone on their toes: The strict supervisor always keeps her employees on their toes by setting high expectations and providing feedback.
    make sure someone is ready to do something unexpected
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  • Think outside the box: To solve the complex problem, they encouraged their team to think outside the box and explore unconventional solutions.
    approach a problem or situation in a way that hasn’t been done before
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  • Hit the nail on the head: His analysis of the market trends hit the nail on the head and provided accurate predictions.
    be correct about (often the cause of) a situation or problem
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  • Bring something to the table: As a marketing expert, she brings valuable insights and strategies to the table.
    contribute to a conversation or situation in a useful way
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  • Go back to square one: The software development team encountered a critical error, and now they have to go back to square one to fix it.
    have to start again from the beginning
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  • Cut your losses: After months of unsuccessful attempts to revive the project, they decided to cut their losses and cancel it.
    stop a process that is unsuccessful before it gets worse
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  • On the ball: The receptionist is always on the ball, promptly answering calls and assisting visitors.
    to know what is happening and be able to react to it quickly
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  • From the ground up: He built his business empire from the ground up, starting with a small investment and gradually expanding.
    start something from the beginning and see it through to completion
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  • In the loop: The manager keeps her team in the loop by regularly communicating updates and developments.
    being part of a group that is being informed about something in progress
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  • By the book: The lawyer advised her to follow the legal procedures strictly and handle the case by the book.
    strictly following the rules in a situation
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  • On the same page: Before we proceed, let's make sure we're all on the same page and have a shared understanding of the project goals.
    two or more people agreeing about what to do or having the same opinion on a subject
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  • Ahead of the game: With their innovative technology, the company stayed ahead of the game in the competitive market.
    having an advantage because you’re better prepared or have more talent in a particular area than other people involved
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  • Behind the scenes: While the actors performed on stage, there was a team working behind the scenes to manage the lighting and sound.
    in a place or a manner that most people don’t see
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  • Up in the air: The decision on the new product launch is still up in the air. We haven't received a final verdict yet.
    not decided or having no plans
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