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What can I do with a photo?

  •  English    9     Public
    Social etiquette and rules around other people's photos
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Can I save photos of celebrities onto my phone?
    Yes, their public photos. Many photos celebrities take are released as part of their job. However, don't support paparazzi photos or save private photos.
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  • Can I post my friend's photo online?
    Yes, if they give consent. Make sure you ask every time!
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  • Can I post my family's photo online?
    Yes, if they give consent. Make sure you ask every time!
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  • Can I post my photo online?
    If it's a cool photo you are proud to share, go for it!
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  • Can I get a tattoo of my friend's face?
    You need to ask for consent. A tattoo is a big commitment.
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  • My partner sent me a nude photo. Can I show it to my friends?
    No, this is against the law in Canada.
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  • Can I take a photo of a hot stranger?
    While it is not against the law to take a picture of a person in a public place, it is very unexpected and not cool.
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  • Can I ask my classmates to send me photos?
    Yes, you can ask but they might want to know why you would like a photo.
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  • Can I take a picture of my teacher/paid helper?
    If they say yes. If they did not give consent or you took the photo secretly, you should delete the photo.
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