Game Preview

Lesson 2_Theme 1_English 7

  •  English    25     Public
    Free time activities
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • a large open area with grass and trees, especially in a town, where people can walk, play games etc
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  • a building for public events, especially sports and large rock music concerts, consisting of a playing field surrounded by rows of seats
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  • a special building or room that has equipment for doing physical exercise
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  • a place where goods are sold to the public. In British English, a store is large and sells many different things, but in American English, a store can be large or small, and sell many things or only one type of thing.
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  • a building where people can go to play many different types of indoor sports
    sport centre
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  • a building where paintings are shown to the public
    art gallery
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  • a large area where there are a lot of shops, usually a covered area where cars are not allowed
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  • an indoor game played on a table by two or four players who hit a small plastic ball to each other across a net
    table tennis
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  • a piece of metal, usually flat and round, that is used as money
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  • a game that is similar to tennis but played with a shuttlecock
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  • a small light object that you hit over the net in the game of badminton
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  • a short board with two small wheels at each end, which you can stand on and ride for fun or as a sport
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  • the sport or business of catching fish
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  • a sport such as judo or karate, in which you fight with your hands and feet. Martial arts were developed in Eastern Asia
    martial arts
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  • Do you like ______(play) soccer?
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  • I like _________martial arts.
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