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Future of AI

  •  English    27     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • We’ve ____ a lot of ____ together, from the basics of neural networks to game playing, language modeling, and algorithmic bias.
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  • As we’ve been learning about different parts of artificial intelligence as a field, there have been a couple themes that keep _____ __.
    coming up
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  • This is a pretty ___ ____, but lots of governments are taking it seriously and planning to grow education, research, and development in AI.
    bold claim
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  • AI is ____. It can help make our lives easier and sort of gives us superpowers.
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  • Who knows what we can _____ with the help of machine learning and AI?
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  • One way to think about the future of AI is to ___ ____AI hasn’t reached yet.
    consider milestones
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  • Cruise control automatically ____ and _____ to keep the car at a constant speed, but everything else is on the human driver.
    accelerates / decelerates
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  • a human driver will need to take over if something goes wrong, like really bad weather or a ____ ____.
    downed powerline
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  • these levels are a way to ____ how far we’ve come, and how far our research still has to go.
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  • The interrogator talks to the hidden players and tries to ___ __ which is a human and which is a machine.
    figure out
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  • We do not wish to penalize the machine for its ___ to shine in beauty competitions, nor to penalize a man for losing in a race against an airplane.
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  • This idea suggests a ____ ___for AI
    unified goal
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  • This involves projects like teaching a robot to understand language, or teaching an AI system that models the stock market to read the news and better understand ____ ____.
    market fluctuations
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  • Some subfields are making progress more quickly than others and we’re seeing AI systems ____ __ in lots of places with awesome potential.
    pop up
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  • They predict AI _____healthcare costs, ______ education, _____ scientific discoveries, helping national defense, and more.
    reducing / personalizing / accelerating
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  • While imagining an AI/human ___ is exciting, we have to be realistic, too.
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