Game Preview

Responding to news

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    link it 4 - p. 38
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  • "Local food bank receives a record number of donations."
  •  15
  • "The school board votes to cut funding for music and art programs."
  •  15
  • "The city council announces a new traffic light at the intersection of Main Street and Elm Street."
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  • "Your best friend got accepted to their dream college."
  •  15
  • "A major earthquake strikes Japan, causing significant damage and loss of life."
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  • "A popular movie star announces they are taking a break from acting to focus on their mental health."
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  • "A new study shows that the polar ice caps are melting at an alarming rate."
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  • "A local high school football team wins their conference championship for the first time in school history."
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  • "A new breakthrough treatment for cancer shows promising results in clinical trials."
  •  15
  • "The government announces a new policy to address climate change."
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