Game Preview

G1B - Lesson 4 (Reading comp)

  •  English    13     Public
    Animal Teams
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • p38 - What animals can help each other?
    Giraffe and small bird / Shrimp and fish
  •  15
  • p39 - What animals are in the picture?
    Fish and a shrimp
  •  15
  • p40 - How do birds help bigger animals?
    They eat the bugs off their skin
  •  15
  • p41 - How to the big animals help the birds?
    They give them food and keep them safe
  •  15
  • p41 - Why are the birds happy?
    Because they have sweet bugs to eat
  •  15
  • p42 - Can the shrimp see?
  •  15
  • p42 - How does the fish help the shrimp?
    It looks for danger
  •  15
  • p43 - How does the shrimp help the goby fish?
    It lets it hide in a hole
  •  15
  • p44 - What do zebras and wildebeest like to eat?
  •  15
  • p45 - How do they help each other?
    They find grass and warn of danger
  •  15
  • p48 - How do ants help the caterpillar?
    They take it to a safe place
  •  15
  • p49 - How does the caterpillar help the ants?
    It gives them his skin to eat
  •  15
  • p53 - Why is it good to work in a team?
    Because you can help each other
  •  15