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Auditory Comprehension Questions

  •  English    9     Public
    3-5 sentence stories
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  • Holly and her friend were excited for summer vacation. They decided to go to the beach and make sand castles. A bunch of sea gulls landed on top of the sand castles and made them their homes!
    Where did Holly and her friend go? What did they make? Who landed on the sand castles?
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  • When Michael got to school on Monday, he realized that he forgot his lunch! He would need to buy the school lunch. Michael looked at the menu and saw that they were have hamburgers and macaroni and cheese for lunch.
    What did Michael forget? What 2 items were on the lunch menu?
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  • It is the weekend, and I am ready to relax. My favorite thing to do when there is no school is play outside. I invite my friend over and we ride our bikes to the dollar store. At the dollar store, my friend and I bought candy to share.
    What is my favorite thing to do when there's no school? Where do my friend and I go? What do we buy?
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  • Hannah and her mom are going to the park for a birthday party. Hannah wrapped up a doll for her friend, and she hopes she loves it. The doll is wearing a pink dress and has sparkly pink shoes.
    Who is going to the park? What is the birthday present? What is it wearing?
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  • Today is my birthday. I am turning 10 years old. My mom is making my favorite dinner: tacos. My dad is baking me a chocolate cake with sprinkles on top. I hope I get Hot Wheels for my presents!
    When is my birthday? What is my mom making for dinner? What is my dad baking? What do I hope to get for my birthday?
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  • Jesse and his friends are getting together after school to play video games. Jesse's favorite video game is Minecraft so they play that first. After that, Jesse's friend wants to play Roblox.
    When are Jesse and his friends getting together? What are they going to do? What is Jesse's favorite video game?
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  • Tomorrow, Jenny and her brother are going to the circus. She is nervous because she doesn't like clowns. Her brother is the most excited for the snacks like popcorn and cotton candy.
    Where are Jenny and her brother going? How does Jenny feel about going? What is she afraid of? What kind of food does Jenny's brother want to get?
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  • Jacob went to the zoo on Saturday. He saw tigers, monkeys, and snakes, but his favorite animal to see was the cheetah. At the souvenir shop, Jacob bought a book all about cheetahs and bought a cheetah stuffed animal.
    Where did Jacob go? What was his favorite animal that he saw? What did he buy at the souvenir shop?
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  • I am going grocery shopping with my parents. We need to get all of the ingredients to make spaghetti and meatballs. While at the store, my parents told me that I can pick out a candy bar! I chose a Reese's cup
    Who am I going to the grocery store with? What are we buying the ingredients for? What kind of candy do I pick out?
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