Game Preview

Gina's game

  •  English    22     Public
    ajk fh
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I have to walk somewhere, how should I go?
    Go with a group
  •  15
  • Good or Bad? If I am home alone, I will not answer the door to anyone but my parents.
  •  15
  • Good or Bad? It is okay for a friend to come over when my parents are not home
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  • Good or Bad If someone calls for my mom or dad, I will tell them that they are not home and will call them back later.
  •  15
  • Someone I do not know sent me a friend request, what should I do?
    Decline the text message
  •  15
  • I am home alone and the doorbell rings, what should I do?
    Not answer
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  • Why is it important for an adult that you know, to always know where you are at?
    So if something happens they know where you are
  •  15
  • Should you cook in the kitchen when you are home alone? Why?
    No, because you could hurt yourself or start a fireUnless- you know how to make the dish very well
  •  15
  • True or False: its okay to play outside while your parents are gone? why?
  •  15
  • True or False: You should always have a working phone when you are home by yourself.
  •  15
  • What is a stranger?
    A person you do not know
  •  15
  • A stranger offers you a ride home, what should you do?
    say no and walk away
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  • what should you do if you are lost?
    find a safe stranger
  •  15
  • Name 3 safe strangers
    answers will vary
  •  15
  • A stranger comes up to me and offers to take me to meet Beyonce, what should I do?
    Walk away
  •  15
  • Can I take candy from a stranger?
  •  15