Game Preview


  •  English    27     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does "She has a green thumb" mean? 
    She is good with plants // She is good at helping plants grow.
  •  10
  • What does "catch some zzz's mean?" 
    Sleep // To get some sleep
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  • What does "kill two birds with one stone" mean? 
    To get two things done at the same time // Accomplish two things at once
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  • What does "zip your lip" mean? 
    To be quiet // to stop talking
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  • What does "hold your horses" mean? 
    To wait. // To be patient.
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  • What does "butterflies in the stomach" mean? 
    to be nervous // to feel nervous
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  • What does "hit the hay mean?" 
    To go to sleep // to rest
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  • What does "the cat is out of the bag" mean? 
    the secret is out // the secret is revealed
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  • What does "it's raining cats and dogs mean?"
    It is raining a lot // It's raining heavily
  •  15
  • What does "a bull in a china shop" mean?
    Someone who often makes mistakes // someone who causes a lot of damage // a person who breaks things
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  • What does "couch potato" mean? 
    to be lazy // to not want to do anything
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  • What does "piece of cake" mean?
    It was easy // easy // simple
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  • What does "smart cookie" mean? 
    intelligent // very smart
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  • What is an idiom that means "it is easy?"
    Piece of cake
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  • What is an idiom that means "the secret is out" or "The secret is revealed?"
    The cat is out of the bag
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  • What is an idiom that means "he or she can grow things easily?"
    Green thumb
  •  15