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  •  English    20     Public
    How memory influences language learning
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What are the four cognitive processes of learning ?
    retrieval- encoding- attention- storage
    storage-retrieval-encoding- attention
    Attention- encoding - storage- retrieval
    Encoding- retrieval - storage attention
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  • What is the retrieval process of learning?
    The process of getting the information out of the memory storage.
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  • . ……… enables information to be stored as meanings.
    semantic coding
    visual coding
    acoustic coding
  •  15
  • Is multiple-choice test an example of recall or recognition ?
    answer : recognition
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  • Fill in the blank or essays is an example of recall or recognition ?
    answear; recall
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  • What is the strongest sensory memory ?
    smell ( olfactory)
    gustatory ( taste ) and tactile ( touch )
    hearing ( echoic)
    seeing ( iconic)
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  • Recollection of an important day in the distant past (early birthday, graduation, wedding, etc), and work skills you learned in your first job out of school are examples of what type of memory ?
    short-term memory
    work memory
    long-term memory
    sensory memory
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  • The processing of information into the memory system.
    automatic processing
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  • The human capacity for storing long-term memories is.....
    roughly equal to seven units of information
    typically much greater in young children than in adults
    essentially unlimited
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  • Fading away of memory
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  • Knowledge of language, including its rules, words, and meaning
    Declarative memory
    Episodic memory
    Sensory memory
    Semantic memory
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  • What are two types of working memory?
    auditory memory and visual-spatial memory.
    visual-spatial and intrapersonal memory
    interpersonal and auditory memory
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  • … provides temporary storage that is very useful in language comprehension process.
    vocabulary acquisition
    working memory
    language production
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  • How to improve memory?
    eat brain food as vitamins
    sleep less
    stay unorganized
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  • What percentage of information do we forget within the first hour of learning it?
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  • What percentage of the population is estimated to have hyperthymesia, a condition where people can remember an extraordinary amount of information about their personal past?
    less than 1%
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