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Comprehension Qs

  •  English    21     Public
    Practice reading comprehension
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  • Al will go for a pony ride. His father will take Al to a farm. Al will pick the pony he wants to ride. There are ten ponies on the farm.
    Al rides horses very well.
    Al has ten ponies.
    Al plans a pony ride.
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  • Many people like to eat apples. They grow in many places. There are many kinds of apples. Apples are used for eating, cooking, and baking.
    Apples are well liked.
    Apples are hard to grow.
    Apples keep you from getting sick.
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  • Grandpa was a milkman. He got up very early in the morning. He brought milk to people's houses. There are not many milkmen today. Now people buy milk in stores.
    To show how to be a milkman.
    To ask for more milkmen.
    To tell what grandpa did.
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  • Rick will get a watch. It will be gold. It will be a very old watch. His grandfather had the watch when he was little.
    Rick can tell time.
    Rick will have grandfather's watch.
    Rick has many watches.
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  • I feed the birds in winter. I put bread crumbs and seeds outside the kitchen window. I stand very still. I watch the birds eat.
    Birds can eat crumbs and seeds.
    You can make a bird feeder out of wood.
    Everyone should feed the birds.
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  • Daisy likes to bake. She made a cake today. She made cookies too. She ate cookies with lunch. She had cake with dinner. Mother and Father like cake and cookies too.
    All girls bake cookies.
    Daisy makes a cake and cookies.
    Daisy bakes every day.
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  • Rachel and Mark were making an apple pie. They cut up five big apples. They baked the pie in the oven. EFFECT: RACHEL AND MARK CUT UP SOME APPLES.
    They baked five pies.
    They cut up some pies.
    They were making a pie.
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  • It was Jan's birthday. I went to the store. I found a nice present for Jan. I wrapped it in pretty paper. CAUSE: IT WAS JAN'S BIRTHDAY
    I found a present for her
    Jan went to the store
    I wrapped Jan in paper
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  • It was very hot in the house. Matty opened all of the windows. After a while, the air became cooler. EFFECT: THE AIR BECAME COOLER
    It was very hot.
    The house was very cool.
    Matty opened the windows
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  • Dave wanted to paint his room. He did not want to get paint on his new suit. He put on some old clothes. CAUSE: DAVE DID NOT WANT TO GET PAINT ON HIS SUIT.
    He painted his new clothes.
    He wanted to paint his room.
    He put on some old clothes.
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  • Peter and his sisters went to the zoo. They saw lots of animals. It started to rain. All of the animals went inside. CAUSE: IT RAINED AT THE ZOO.
    The animals went inside.
    The girls saw many animals.
    Peter went inside.
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  • Barbara and David are my friends. They live in England. I took a trip there once. I went to England to _____ my friends. THE WORD THAT BEST FITS THE BLANK SPACE IS:
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  • I went to a museum. I saw many paintings. All of them were ANCIENT. I did not know that people painted beautiful things long ago. THE CAPITALIZED WORD MEANS:
    very old
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  • Cows, sheep and pigs live on a farm. They like to ROAM. Farmers build fences around farms That way the animals cannot ROAM. THE CAPITALIZED WORD MEANS:
    wander around
    stand still
    make noise
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  • We all wanted to visit Grandfather. Mother, Father and I got into the car. We ____ to Grandfather's house. We had a good time with him all afternoon. THE WORD THAT BEST FITS THE BLANK SPACE IS:
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  • Many cows were in the fields. The farmer and his dog got the cows together. They brought the HERD back to the farm. Then the famer milked the cows. THE CAPITALIZED WORD MEANS:
    many cows
    many fields
    many dogs
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