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Week 6 - Renewable energy (Grade 7 - Science)

  •  English    18     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Describe one impact of burning fossil fuels.
    e.g. acid rain, greenhouse effect, land / water pollution
  •  15
  • Describe one impact of acid rain.  
    e.g. kills trees, kills water life, damages crops, corrodes buildings 
  •  15
  • Describe one impact of the greenhouse effect.
    e.g. sea levels rise, land disappears (so people lose their homes), habitats disappear (so animals go extinct)
  •  15
  • Give 2 examples of renewable energy resources.
    e.g. solar power, biomass, hydro power
  •  15
  • Give 2 reasons you think the world still uses fossil fuels.
    e.g. convenience, efficiency, infrastructure
  •  15
  • Challenge: One wind turbine can power 1,500 homes for a year. (TRUE OR FALSE)
  •  20
  • Renewable energy can help people save money. (TRUE OR FALSE)
  •  15
  • What do we call fuels formed from the dead remains of organisms over millions of years?
    Fossil fuels
  •  15
  • Name an energy resource that will run out because we cannot renew our supplies of it
    e.g. coal, gas, oil
  •  15
  • Name an energy resource that will never run out.
    e.g. sun, wind, waves
  •  15
  • What are the main sources of non-renewable energy?
    fossil fuels
  •  15
  • Renewable energy resources can be used repeatedly. T / F
  •  15
  • Renewable energy resources are not replaced naturally. T / F
  •  15
  • This power uses energy from the sun to heat water or create electricity.
  •  15
  • Wind power uses wind energy to turn a _____________ to make electricity.
  •  15
  • Plants can be burned as a fuel to produce power. This is called _______ energy.
  •  15