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The Merchant of Venice Act 4 Scene 1 Quiz

  •  English    18     Public
    A funny way to recapitulate what you have already learnt
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  • How does Antonio plan to respond to Shylock's insistence to collect his pound of flesh? A. With anger and violence B. With begging C.With reasoning D.With quietness of spirit
    D.With quietness of spirit
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  • What explanation does Shylock give for continuing to pursue his bond? A. To scare people B. It Antonio is a criminal C. He hates Antonio D. For the attention
    C. He hates Antonio
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  • What does Bassanio offer Shylock to persuade him to forfeit his bond? A. Six thousand ducats B. Ten thousand ducats C. Portia's ring D.His whole world including Portia
    A. Six thousand ducats
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  • What does Shylock do in anticipation of the judgement? A. Buys some spices B. Whets his knife C. Looks out of the window D. Thanks God
    B. Whets his knife
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  • What is the name given to the person who comes to judge Antonio's trial? A. Bellario B. Balthazar C. Lorenzo D. Gratiano
    B. Balthazar
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  • To what is Shylock referring when he calls Portia a “Daniel”? A) the New Testament B) the Old Testament C) a Christian judge D) his lost son
    B. the Old Testament
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  • As Antonio prepares his bosom for cutting what does he hold on to? A) a bible B) Shylock’s bond C) Bassanio’s hand D) a crucifix
    C) Bassanio’s hand
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  • What does Gratiano tell Antonio? A) I will help Bassanio deliver the ducats to Shylock. B) I will drink to your name! C) I wish my wife was dead. D) I will be a pall bearer at your funeral.
    C) I wish my wife was dead.
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  • What does Bassanio offer “Balthazar” once the trial is over? A) the 3,000 ducats owed to Shylock B) to take Balthazar to meet Portia C) a ride back to Padua. D) to take Balthazar out for dinner.
    A) the 3,000 ducats owed to Shylock
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  • Who tells Bassanio to give “Balthazar” what “he” asks for? A) Lorenzo B) Gratiano C) Antonio D) The Duke
    C) Antonio
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  • What does Antonio ask of Bassanio? A) give Shylock the money after I am gone B) give me a Christian burial C) take over my merchant fleet D) tell your wife how much I loved you
    D) tell your wife how much I loved you
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  • 5. As he is about to cut Antonio, what does Portia warn Shylock? A) he will be damned if he proceeds B) he should make sure his knife is sharp C) the bond doesn’t allow for you to shed any blood D) the Christians will later kill you
    C) the bond doesn’t allow for you to shed any blood
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  • What is the final verdict? A) Antonio gets half of Shylock’s possessions. B) Lorenzo gets all of Shylock's property immediately C)Shylock will be jailed forever. D) Shylock cannot do business again in Venice.
    Antonio gets half of Shylock’s possessions.
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  • What two things does Portia ask as a token of gratitude? A) a ring and a money B) ring and a letter of recommendation C) a ring and a handshake D) gloves and a ring
    D) gloves and a ring
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  • Who tells Bassanio to give Balthazar what “he” asks for? A) Lorenzo B) Gratiano C) Antonio D) The Duke
    C) Antonio
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  • How does Nerissa respond when Gratiano delivers the ring? A) She is surprised. B) She says that she will try to get Gratiano to give up his ring too. C) She warns Gratiano D) She speaks to Gratiano seperately
    B) She says that she will try to get Gratiano to give up his ring too.
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