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Endangered Animals_INT

  •  English    22     Public
    6B LE U4 P1
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • People will keep catching rare animals unless...
    we stop choosing products that are tested on animals.
    we stop buying exotic rare animals for high prices.
    we stop forcing animals to fight each other.
  •  10
  • Snakes, turtles and sharks will keep being killed unless...
    we stop forcing them to fight.
    we stop destroying their food sources.
    we stop using them for food and medicines.
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  • Our oceans will keep getting more polluted unless...
    we stop hunting sharks for food.
    we stop overfishing.
    we stop dumping so much plastic.
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  • Scientists will keep harming animals unless...
    we stop buying cosmetics.
    we stop selling products that are tested on animals.
    we stop people using cosmetics.
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  • People will keep gambling and watching cock and dog fights unless...
    we stop watching them.
    we stop people from gambling.
    we stop people from buying these animals.
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  • Circuses will keep using animals for performances unless...
    we stop clowns from being so mean.
    we stop going to these circuses.
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