Game Preview


  •  English    6     Public
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  • Eu gostaria de entrar no ônibus logo.
    I would like to get on the bus soon.
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  • O livro realmente transmitiu como era ser um soldado durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
    The book really got across what it was like to be a soldier during WWII.
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  • Harry e eu nos damos muito bem, mas eu não me dou nada bem com Lucy.
    Harry and I get along really well, but I don’t get along with Lucy at all.
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  • A notícia de que ele estava deixando a empresa realmente circulou.
    The news that he was leaving the company really got around.
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  • As crianças não conseguem pegar os doces porque eu os escondi!
    The kids can’t get at the sweets because I hid them!
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