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  •  English    14     Public
    Angles 4 - communicative activity with some controlled practice items
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • She is whispering. - Is this correct?
    No, she is yelling/shouting.
  •  15
  • Kayla is w_______________ a secret to her friend Lucy.
  •  15
  • She is ___________________ at her show.
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  • Why can't the woman sleep?
    Because the man is snoring.
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  • Stella is a lawyer. She worked for 10 hours. Now she is _______________ because she is very tired.
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  • Lauren's friend told a funny joke and it made her _____________________.
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  • What makes you laugh a lot?
    (an answer that makes sense will be accepted)
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  • In what places would you yell a lot?
    (an answer that makes sense will be accepted)
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  • What do you do when people yell at you? Explain.
    (an answer that makes sense will be accepted)
  •  15
  • Do you yawn a lot during movies? Explain.
    (an answer that makes sense will be accepted)
  •  15
  • Talk about a situation that make you feel so angry that you had to shout.
    (an answer that makes sense will be accepted)
  •  15
  • Do you sing in the shower? Are you a good singer? Explain.
    (an answer that makes sense will be accepted)
  •  15
  • Talk about a singer that you like.
    (an answer that makes sense will be accepted)
  •  15
  • Imagine you are at school and you want to talk to your friend, but you can't, how do you talk to him so the teacher will not hear?
    (an answer that makes sense will be accepted)
  •  15