Game Preview

Point of View

  •  English    20     Public
    Point of View
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The trapeze artist stood high on the platform. The whole crowd was silent. The trapeze artist rubbed his hands on his knees, grabbed the flying trapeze, and sprung into the air.
    Second Person
    Third Person
    First Person
  •  20
  • I love rock climbing! I go rock climbing every weekend with my dad. It is so fun to be up so high. One day, I hope that I can be a professional rock climber. That would be great!
    First Person
    Second Person
    Third Person
  •  20
  • Juan sat in the doctor’s office hoping that the doctor would forget about the shot that he needed. He was very nervous and scared.
    Third Person
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  • Arthur could hear his stomach grumbling. He looked around to see if his classmates noticed. None of his classmates looked up. He was so hungry, but lunch was an hour away.
    Third Person
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  • The wind was blowing so hard it was howling. The clouds started rolling in quickly, making the sky look like dark rushing water. Timmy was scared, but knew he had to be brave for his sister.
    Third Person
  •  25
  • There are a few things I really miss doing since we've been stuck at home. I would love to go to the gym and get a real workout. I also just want to go grocery shopping like I used to without a mask, without wiping my things down.
    First Person
  •  25
  • Swimming is by far my favorite sport! You can wear fun swimsuits, swim all sorts of strokes, and dive into the water! I love that I feel free in the water. I pretend like I am dolphin swimming in the deep sea.
    First Person
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  • "If you don't eat your dinner, you're going to be hungry later," said her Mom. Mom had spent a long time cooking and made her daughter a nice meal, but that didn't matter to Jen.
    Third Person
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  • Cathy leaned into her computer screen with big eyes. She couldn't believe it- she had finally gotten a 100 on her math test! She knew her parents would be proud of her.
    Third Person
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  • I was really bored until my mom asked if I wanted to go get ice cream. I love ice cream! My favorite is chocolate in a cone with sprinkles and a cherry on top!
    First Person
  •  25
  • Marcy was very scared. It was her first day at a new school and she did not know anyone. I wasn't sure how I could make her feel better, but I asked her if she wanted to walk to school with me. That seemed to make her feel better.
    First Person
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  • It was cold outside when I headed home from school. I wrapped my arms around myself, leaned into the wind, and ran as fast as I could. I was wearing my heaviest winter coat, a hat, scarf, and gloves, but I was still shivering from the cold!
    First Person
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  • Alexis woke up in front of her computer screen with her forehead resting on the back of her hands. A string of drool fell from her mouth onto the mouse pad as her alarm beeped incessantly.
    Second person
    Third person
    First Person
  •  25
  • Guess the pronoun: Sarah and I love Harry Styles. ______ want to marry him!
  •  15
  • The person telling the story
  •  10
  • Guess the Personal Pronoun: The dog is itching. ____ must have fleas.
  •  15