Game Preview

Making Inferences: Feelings Edition

  •  English    19     Public
    A game about making inferences.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Lara woke up with a strange feeling in her stomach. Today was her first day of school! What if her teacher didn't like her? What if the other kids in her class make fun of her? How is Lara feeling? How do you know?
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  • Carlos could not believe that his bike had been stolen! He stomped his feet and screamed at the top of his lungs when he found out. How is Carlos feeling? How do you know?
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  • After all of her hard work studying, Jessica had got a 100 on her math test! Her teacher had even given her a compliment. Jessica could not wait to get home and show her parents how well she had done!
    Proud, Happy
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  • The day had finally arrived! It was Josh's 12th birthday today! He woke up before the sun was out with a great big smile on his face. How is Josh feeling? How do you know?
    Excited, happy
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  • TJ had a crazy dream. A monster with gigantic teeth was chasing him, and no matter how quickly he ran, he couldn't get away. TJ flinched as he woke up, and discovered that he was sweating. How does TJ feel? How do you know?
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  • As John leaned to sit down, he accidently kicked his chair out of the way, and then he flopped to the ground. He stood up as his cheeks turned bright red. John looked down at the floor, hoping nobody was watching him. How is John feeling?
    Embarrassed, Upset
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  • Julia was in line to eat lunch in the school cafeteria. She looked up and saw her mom holding a burger and fries for her. Julia had not been expecting her mother to come today! How is Julia feeling? How do you know?
    Surprised, excited, happy
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  • Maisy was in class, and somebody was making a clicking sound with their tongue. Whoever it was would not stop! Maisy could not concentrate on her work. She wished the sound would stop. How is Maisy feeling? How can you tell?
    Annoyed, Mad
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  • For his birthday last year, James was miserable. His mom and dad both forgot about his birthday. They didn't even get him a cake! It seemed like this year's birthday would be better. His parents were already planning a party for him.
    Hopeful, optimistic, positive
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  • Jacob was helping celebrate his brother's birthday. After eating cake, his brother opened his presents. One of his presents was a Playstation! The exact kind that Jacob had always wanted. He wished it was his.
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  • Bryson was in class listening to his teacher talk about subtraction. He already knew how to do this! It felt like he had been sitting in the same spot for 3 hours! How is Bryson feeling? How do you know?
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  • Jonah woke up with a scratchy throat. Every time he tried to swallow he flinched. Even trying to take a tiny sip of water was painful. As he crawled slowly out of bed, Jonah groaned. How is Jonah feeling?
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  • At school today, Sadie had stolen an extra piece of candy from the closet. Her teacher had blamed it on another girl in the class. Sadie couldn't stop thinking about her classmate and she had a sick feeling in her stomach that would not go.
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  • Simon hadn't seen anyone all day! His family had gone to a meeting, and none of his friends had come to visit. Simon's dog wouldn't even play with him. How is Simon feeling? How do you know?
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  • Lucy's baseball team was about to play in the Championship game! Her hands were sweating as she warmed up. What if she messed up the game for everyone? How is Lucy feeling? How do you know?
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  • "Stay away from my stuff!" Johnny roared at his younger brother after he broke one of his favorite toys. Johnny thought he was going to explode. How is Johnny feeling? How do you know?
    angry, furious
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