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  •  English    15     Public
    Density, Mass and Volume
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is density?
    How COMPACT the mass in a substance or object is.
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  • What will happen if you put a piece of styrofoam in water? Will it sink or float?
    It will float!
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  • What will happen if you put a metal nail in a water?
    It will sink!
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  • Why is the olive oil on the top?
    Because olive oil is less dense than the other types of liquids
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  • What will happen if the density of object is greater than the density of water?
    The object will sink!
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  • what is the unit of density?
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  • what is the formula to find the density of an object?
    Density = Mass/Volume
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  • How we can find the mass of an object?
    Use a BALANCE.
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  • How do we calculate the volume of an object with the shape of a cube?
    MEASURE the side using ruler, then multiply it 3 times.
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  • How we can find the volume of a rock?
    Use a measuring cylinder.
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  • The mass of an object is 45 gram, and the volume is 15 cm3. What is the density of an object
    3 gr/cm3
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  • Which has the greater density, the apple or the fork?
    The fork.
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  • Which has the lesser density, the bottle or the scissors?
    The bottle.
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  • Which ball has the greater mass?
    Neither. They are both the same!
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  • Will an apple sink or float?
    It will float because it contains a lot of air.
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