Game Preview

What Would You Say?

  •  English    22     Public
    What would you say in this social situation?
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You are planning a party. What are three things about the party that you need to tell the people you invite?
    Time, day, place, type of party, what to bring
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  • You want to buy a new video game that just came out. You're not sure if the video game store has it yet. You decide to call the store on the phone to check. What do you say?
    Hello. Do you have the _______ game in stock?
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  • Your grandma gives you a sweater as a gift. You don't like the way it looks. What would you say?
    Thank you for the gift!
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  • You are looking for classroom number fifteen. You see a teacher walking in the hall. What would you say?
    Excuse me, where is classroom number 15?
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  • Your friend has a video game that you want to borrow. What would you say?
    Can I please borrow the video game? I promise to give it back when you want it again.
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  • You learn that your classmate's grandmother has just died. Your classmate looks sad. What would you say?
    I'm sorry for your loss. Do you want to talk about it?
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  • You're at a restaurant, and you don't know what to order. A lot of dishes sound good. What can you ask the waiter?
    What food do you recommend?
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  • You notice that your friend has something stuck in their teeth. What would you say?
    Quietly say "Hey, you have something stuck in your teeth."
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  • Your friend has a really cool outfit on today. What would you say?
    I love your outfit!
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  • Your sister made a really cool drawing. What would you say?
    Wow, it looks amazing! You're so good at drawing.
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  • Your mom made your favorite food for dinner. The food takes a long time to make. What would you say?
    Thank you so much for making my favorite food!
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  • You need to make a doctor appointment for a check-up. You call the doctor's office. What would you say? Think of what information you need to tell the person on the phone in order to make an appointment.
    Hello. My name is ______. I need to make a check-up appointment. Do you have _____ (day and time) available?
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  • You're at a friend's birthday party. They serve red velvet cake. You don't like red velvet cake. What do you say?
    Say nothing or, "no thank you, I'm not hungry."
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  • You are exited because your dad is grilling burgers for dinner. Your dad accidentally burns the burgers. You feel disappointed. What do you say?
    It's okay, dad. Thanks anyway. Maybe we can try to make them again, or go out for dinner.
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  • You want to go to a fancy restaurant on your birthday. You need to have reservations to eat at this restaurant. You want to eat dinner there at 6:00 pm on March 25th. What do you say when you call the restaurant?
    Hello. I would like to make a reservation for March 25th at 6:00 pm.
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  • You're at the library and can't find the book you want. The book is called "The Great Escape" by Juan Martinez. Who do you talk to? What do you say?
    Say to the librarian, "Hello. Can you help me find "The Great Escape" by Juan Martinez?"
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