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Outcomes Advanced unit 12.1 similes

  •  English    16     Public
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  • What does the phrase "memory like a sieve" mean?
    Having a photographic memory
    Having a selective memory
    Having a very good memory
    Having a very bad memory
  •  15
  • Which of the following phrases means "smoking excessively"?
    Feel like a fish out of water
    Smoke like a chimney
    Memory like a sieve
    Avoid like the plague
  •  15
  • What does the phrase "feel like a fish out of water" mean?
    Feeling comfortable and confident
    Feeling cold and shivery
    Feeling hot and bothered
    Feeling lost and uncomfortable
  •  15
  • Which of the following phrases means "to avoid something completely"?
    Feel like a fish out of water
    Avoid like the plague
    Memory like a sieve
    Smoke like a chimney
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  • Which of the following phrases means "completely different"?
    White as a sheet
    Dead as a dodo
    Like chalk and cheese
    Smoke like a chimney
  •  15
  • Which of the following phrases means "no longer in existence"?
    Feel like a fish out of water
    Dead as a dodo
    Like chalk and cheese
    White as a sheet
  •  15
  • What does the phrase "white as a sheet" mean?
    Being very angry or upset
    Being very relaxed and calm
    Being very happy and excited
    Being very pale due to fear or illness
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  • My grandfather used to ___________, so it's no surprise that he developed lung cancer later in life.
    smoke like a chimney
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  • As an introverted person, attending social events can make me ___________.
    feel like a fish out of water
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  • I try to ___________ fast food because it's so unhealthy.
    avoid like the plague
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  • Despite being sisters, Mary and Jane are ___________ - they have completely different interests and personalities.
    like chalk and cheese
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  • When I saw the ghost in the old abandoned house, I turned ___________ with fear.
    aw the ghost in the old abandoned house, I turned ___________ with fear. Answer: white as a sheet
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  • After running a marathon, I was ___________ from exhaustion and dehydration.
    as red as a beetroot
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  • When the sun sets in the desert, it becomes ___________.
    as black as night
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  • The inside of a cave is ___________ - you can barely see anything in there!
    as dark as the inside of a wolf
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  • When I arrived at the party, nobody greeted me and I felt ___________.
    as welcome as wet shoe
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