Game Preview

Push VS Pull Factors

  •  English    20     Public
    Read each scenario and decide if it is a push or pull factor.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You move to the city because it has more opportunities like libraries, jobs and restaurants.
    Pull Factor
  •  15
  • A new school has been built in the area the offers more academic options.
    Pull Factor
  •  15
  • Your parent is given a promotion at work. However, the job is in another state and your family will need to move.
    Pull Factor
  •  15
  • You have lost your job and the unemployment in you area is high. There are very few jobs available.
    Push Factor
  •  15
  • You live in Africa and there has been a conflict with the neighboring tribe. You feel that your tribe is in danger so you migrate farther South.
    Push Factor
  •  15
  • You move to the Unites States for religious freedoms.
    Pull Factor
  •  15
  • You have lived up North for most of your life but leave to retire in Florida for the warm weather.
    Pull Factor
  •  15
  • Your best friend moved to a school an hour away to get away from a bully.
    Push Factor
  •  15
  • During WWII many Jewish people were persecuted by the Germans. Many Jews escaped to the Middle East or other parts of the world.
    Push Factor
  •  15
  • A new car factory has move 2 hours away from your hometown. Moving your family closer to the factory would guarantee a new job with better wages.
    Pull Factor
  •  15
  • Your house burned in a fire. Now you are looking for a new home.
    Push Factor
  •  15
  • Your new neighborhood was hit by a tornado and your house was destroyed. You relocate to your hometown.
    Push Factor
  •  15
  • The cost of gas is extremely high and your commute to work is over an hour each way. You move closer to work to save money.
    Push Factor
  •  15
  • You move to California for the warm weather but you are afraid of the many Earthquakes you experience. You move back to your hometown.
    Push Factor
  •  15
  • You are a farmer in Texas but there has not been good rain fall in over 2 years. Your land is drying up and you have to relocate.
    Push Factor
  •  15
  • You live in an apartment but the landlord will not fix the broken A/C unit so you move.
    Push Factor
  •  15