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Text Structure

  •  English    43     Public
    Description, chronological order/sequence, problem and solution, compare and contrast, cause and effect
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is a cause?
    Cause is the reason something happens.
  •  15
  • What is an effect?
    Effect is the result of what happens.
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  • What is the cause and effect for the sentence?: My'Laila forgot her math book, so she was unable to complete her homework.
    Cause: My'Laila forgot her math book. Effect: She was unable to complete her homework.
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  • What is the cause and effect for the sentence?: Amaj was hungry because he skipped lunch.
    Cause: Amaj skipped lunch. Effect: He was hungry.
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  • What is the cause and effect for the sentence?: Ms. Baldwin's care had a flat tire, so she called a tow truck.
    Cause: Ms. Baldwin's car had a flat tire. Effect: She called a tow truck.
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  • What is the cause and effect for the sentence?: Violet couldn't find the cookies because Natalie hid them in the cupboard.
    Cause: Natalie hid the cookies in the cupboard. Effect: Violet couldn't find the cookies.
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  • What is the cause and effect for the sentence?: Marieme studied her spelling words and she got an A on the test.
    Cause: Marieme studied her spelling words. Effect: She got an A on her test.
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  • What is a fact?
    A fact is a true statement that you can prove.
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  • What is an opinion?
    An opinion is someone's idea or feeling about something.
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  • Fact or opinion?: Spires are interesting animals to observe.
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  • Fact or opinion?: Mrs. Capra is a nice teacher.
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  • Fact or opinion?: You must go to college to become a teacher.
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  • Fact or opinion?: Reading is the most important subject in school.
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  • Fact or opinion?: Kids today should spend more time playing outside and less time playing video games.
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  • Fact or opinion?: The president of the United States may serve two 4-year terms.
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  • Directions for building a birdhouse are an example of which text structure?
    compare and contrast
    chronological order/sequence
    cause and effect
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