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out of...

  •  English    10     Public
    what's the expression?
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A shop has run out of something you needed. They're...
    out of stock
  •  15
  • Why can't I get hold of calçots in the summer? Because they're...
    out of season
  •  15
  • Baby brother is getting all the family's attention. Older brother hits him...
    out of jealousy
  •  20
  • Your parents are ultra strict, so you always do what they tell you to do...
    out of fear
  •  20
  • A letter addressed to someone else is delivered to your house. You open it...
    out of curiosity
  •  20
  • You queue for hours to buy tickets to see a group you love. Once you reach the front of the queue, the ticket office closes. You're...
    out of luck
  •  25
  • You've decided to move the chocolate biscuits to a higher shelf because your little child keeps taking them. The biscuits are now...
    out of reach
  •  25
  • A relative invites you to their birthday party. You don't want to go, but realising that hardly anyone else will attend, you go...
    out of pity
  •  25
  • You could use a digital agenda but never do, as you're so used to paper diaries. You use them...
    out of habit
  •  20
  • You're being chased by a maniac with a knife!!! You run as fast as you can until you're...
    out of danger/sight
  •  15