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Poetry Quiz

  •  English    15     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is a poem? A) A nonficiton story B) A ficiton story C) A type of writing that uses rhyming to express feelings
  •  15
  • What is a line in a poem? A) A paragraph B) One row of words C) A page
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  • What is a stanza? A) A group of lines in a poem B) A row of words C) There are no stanza in poetry
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  • Who is the speaker in a poem? A) The author B) The characters
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  • What is a poet? A) Characters in a poem B) The author of a poem
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  • What is a Haiku?
    A three lines poem that follows a 5-7-5 syllable pattern. It is always about nature and usually does not rhyme
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  • What is a Limerick?
    A five lined poem that follows a AABBA pattern and is usually very silly
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  • What is a Character Poem
    A poem about a book character and it follows a specific pattern
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  • What is a Triplet Poem?
    A three lined poem where all three lines rhyme and the syllables are the same
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  • What is an Acrostic Poem?
    One word is written vertically down the page, the poem is about that one word
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  • What is a Autobiography Poem?
    A poem about yourself that follows a specific pattern
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  • What is a Cinquain Poem?
    A five lined poem that follows a pattern using parts of speech and a specific number of words per line
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  • What is an Alliteration Poem
    A poem that repeats the same beginning letter sound in each line
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  • What is an "I Am" Poem?
    Similar to an autobiography poem, it is a poem about yourself but it goes even deeper
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  • What has been your favorite poem so far?
    Any poem
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