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Categories and Antonyms

  •  English    20     Public
    Category and Antonyms
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  • A dog, cat, and rabbit are types of what? What is one more that goes in that group? What is the opposite of in?
    animals/cow, horse, pig, hamster, etc.; out
  •  15
  • Carrots, celery, and lettuce are types of what? What is one more that goes in that group? What is the opposite of on?
    Vegetables/broccoli, cauliflower, peas, etc.; off
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  • Shoes, pants, and shirts are types of what? What is one more that goes in that group? What is the opposite of pull?
    Clothing/hat, socks, coat, etc.; push
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  • Hand, nose, ears are types of what? What is one more that goes in that group? What is the opposite of stop?
    body parts/foot, eyes, mouth, etc.; go
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  • Monday, Tuesday, Friday are all what? What is one more that goes in that group? What is the opposite of up?
    days of the week; Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, etc.; down
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  • Cookies, cake, and brownies are types of what? What is one more that goes in that group? What is the opposite of under?
    Desserts/ice cream, candy, etc.; over
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  • Grandma, brother, and dad are types of what? What is one more that goes in this group? What is the opposite of front?
    Family members/ mom, sister, grandpa, etc.; back
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  • 1, 7, 12 are all types of what? What is one more that goes in this group? What is the opposite of last?
    Numbers/ 2, 8, 13, etc.; first
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  • H, M, Z are types of what? What is one more that goes in this group? What is the opposite of empty?
    Letters/A, N, R; full
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  • Circle, square, and triangle are types of what? What is one more that goes in this group? What is the opposite of near?
    Shapes/rectangle, oval, diamond; far
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  • Dolls, Legos, and playdoh are all types of what? What is one more that goes in that group? What is the opposite of open?
    Toys/cars, stuffed animals, blocks, etc.; close
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  • Chair, couch, and table are types of what? What is one more that goes in that group? What is the opposite of lose?
    Furniture/bed, desk, bench, etc.; win
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  • Juice, coffee, tea are types of what? What is one more that goes in this group? What is the opposite of young?
    Drinks/milk, water, pop, etc.; old
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  • Happy, tired, sad are types of what group? What is one more that goes in this group? What is the opposite of short?
    Emotions/mad, disappointed, scared, etc.; tall
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  • Piano, guitar and trumpet are types of what? What is one more that goes in this group? What is the opposite of float?
    Instruments/drums, flute, clarinet, etc.; sink
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  • Basketball, soccer, and volleyball are types of what? What is one more that goes in this group? What is the opposite of lost?
    Sports/baseball, tennis, golf, etc.; found
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