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    Kiểm tra từ vựng bài đọc "Scotland - The Land of Legends" trang 22/ SGK Tiếng Anh 8
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  • Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It is "nổi tiếng về" its rich culture as well as its amazing natural beauty.
    famous for
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  • Visitors to this land can spend endless days exploring its historic "cổ hàng thế kỷ" castles.
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  • But be aware - legend says that some of them are "bị ám" by ghosts.
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  • Fun-lovers can experience its "nổi tiếng thế giới" festival, the Highland Games where they can enjoy unique Scottish activities such as the piping, drumming, and dancing.
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  • Driving through vast "đồng cỏ xanh", or boating on scenic lakes...
    green pasture
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  • They can also see "thể thao truyền thống", or drink whisky with the local people.
    traditional sports
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  • What is the other word for "scenic lakes"?
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  • The great people of this legendary land have also given many of the world's important inventions like the telephone, the television, penicillin and the "áo mưa"..
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  • Edinburgh, the capital, was the first city in the world to have its own "đội chữa cháy" in 1824.
    fire brigade
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  • Edinburgh University welcomed the first female "sinh viên y khoa" in Great Britain in 1869.
    medical student
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