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American Republic Chapter 5 Review

  •  English    54     Public
    Review questions from Chapter 5: Conflict in the Colonies
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  • What two countries fought each other in the French and Indian War?
    France and England
  •  15
  • The strongest confederation of Indian tribes in America
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  • Who had a strong and unified government, built forts at strategic points along waterways, had a well-trained army, and had support of Native American tribes?
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  • Who had fifteen times the population, support of the Iroquois, and the strongest navy in the world?
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  • Weaknesses France had compared to the British
    their vast territory was difficult to defend and settlements were sparsely populated
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  • Weaknesses the British had compared to the French
    lack of unity among its colonies, lack of central organization, little cooperation between colonies and British government, colonies were unwilling to help
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  • This began in 1754 when the French joined forces with some Indians against the British and the colonists
    French and Indian War
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  • What was the French and Indian War called in Europe?
    Seven Years' War
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  • A French fort located where the Allegheny and Monogahela Rivers met to form the Ohio River
    Fort Duquesne
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  • Lieutenant Colonel of British forces who built Fort Necessity forty miles away from the French fort
    George Washington
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  • The style of fighting Native American tribes used that involved hiding behind trees and brush in order to ambush the enemy
    guerilla warfare
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  • Originally drafted by Ben Franklin; the first attempt to unite the American colonies by calling for the creation of a grand council consisting of representatives from all colonies
    Albany Plan of Union
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  • A writer, printer, philosopher, scientist, inventor, and politican
    Benjamin Franklin
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  • The British general who led an attempt to capture Fort Duquesne
    Edward Braddock
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  • Essentially the Prime Minister of England who was in control of the war effort for the British
    William Pitt
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  • Who won the Battle of Quebec during the French and Indian War?
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