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What Would You Say If....

  •  English    41     Public
    Read these situations and tell what you would say in response.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Your dog was throwing up all night. You call the vet, and the vet says he doesn't have time to see your dog this week - maybe next week. But you are super worried about your dog.
    ill at ease
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  • You call your beauty salon and ask to make an appointment for a hair cut with your hair stylist, Julie. The person who answers the phone says that Julie no longer works there.
    sacked, dumped, bounced out, canned, axed, eighty-sixed, and given the old heave-ho
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  • You get home from school or work, and you notice the project you've been working on is not where you left it. You look around and can't find it anywhere. You see your brother with some cut up papers and scissors.
    don't want to point any fingers but...
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  • A classmate you don't really like much asks you to come over and have a pizza. You really don't want to go, but you don't want to hurt his feelings.
    bundle of nerves
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  • You meet the owner of your favorite pizza shop, who is also your neighbor, when you go for a walk. He asks you if you are still looking for a job.
    burning the midnight oil
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  • An adult asks you how was your weekend, but your weekend was not pleasant - you were sick and you ran out of groceries, and you didn't have time to clean up your room.
    keep it low key
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  • Your classmate accidentally steps on your special key chain your grandma gave you, and it breaks. She says, "I'm so sorry."
    trip down memory lane
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  • You mixed up your schedule and forgot that you were supposed to work yesterday. You walk into work and your boss looks at you with a funny expression on his face.
    better late thannever
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  • You entered the break room or cafeteria, and sat at the table. You said "hi" and your coworker sitting at the table said "hi" and then there was an awkward silence.
    hear a pin drop
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  • Your friend said, "I'm so excited!"
    on cloud nine
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  • Your friend said "I'm feeling kind of sad today."
    down in the dumps
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  • Your friend said "I had a terrible day at school."
    Put Your Thinking Cap On
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  • Your aunt said "I just got engaged!"
    pop the question
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  • Your friend said "There was a huge accident on the corner. I saw it on the way to school"
    accident waiting to happen
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  • Your friend said "We had to put my dog down yesterday"
    doggie bag
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  • Your friend said "You should go see that new movie! It's really great!"
    get the show on the road
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