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What Should I Wear?

  •  English    21     Public
    Let's find out what to wear in different weather!
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • If It is very very cold and snowy, what should I wear? 
    a jacket
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  • What would help me stay dry on a rainy day? 
    an umbrella
    a skirt
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  • What would keep my hands warm in the snow?
    Gloves and mittens keep our hands warm in the cold!
    Scarves keep our hands warm in the cold!
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  • What should I wear if the sun is out and it is warm?
    a sweater
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  • What would keep my neck warm on a cold day?
    A scarf keeps our neck warm!
    Wool socks keep our neck warm!
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  • What do we wear on a windy day to keep the wind off our body? 
    a watch
    a windbreaker or jacket
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  • What would I wear to the beach?
    A pair of warm socks so I can play in the water!
    A bathing suit so I can play in the water!
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  • What would be most comfortable on the beach? 
    flip flops or sandals
    snow boots
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  • If you want to go out and play in the rain, what should you wear?
    Slippers will keep your feet dry!
    Rubber boots will keep your feet dry!
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  • What would be fun to do on a windy day?
    Build a snowman in the wind!
    Fly a kite in the wind!
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  • What weather would I wear a BATHING SUIT in? WHERE would I wear a bathing suit?
    Hot weather! To the beach or the pool!
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  • What would I wear on a cloudy, warm day with no rain.
    I could wear shorts and a tee-shirt... what ever is comfortable!
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  • What is an umbrella for?
    To keep me dry in the rain! To keep the sun off me on a sunny day.
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  • What are some things I could wear on a cold and cloudy day?
    Hat, mittens, jacket, scarf, ear muffs, warm socks, boots...
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  • What could I wear to keep my hair from blowing in my face on a windy day?
    Hair tie, hat, hooded sweatshirt, head band, scrunchy...
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  • When would be a good time to wear rubber boots?
    If it is raining or you want to splash in puddles!
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