Game Preview

Book 5 - Lesson 20

  •  English    18     Public
    Body Language
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Head Tilted to One Side
    A tilted head demonstrates that a person is listening keenly, or is interested in what is being communicated.
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  • Rubbing Hands Together Briskly
    This is a way of communicating that an individual is excited for something or is waiting in anticipation. It can also indicate being cold, so be mindful of the
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  • Palms Open and Facing Upward
    An open palm is a sign of openness and honesty. It can also be a show of submission.
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  • Stroking Your Chin or Beard
    When one strokes the chin, he or she is communicating deep thought. It is often used unintentionally when an individual is trying to come to a decisision.
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  • Leaning In
    When you want to get closer to someone because you like them, trust them, or are interested in them, you tend to lean your whole body in their direction.
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  • Direct Eye Contact
    Looking someone directly in the eye shows that you are confident and you trust that person. On the other hand, staring can read as creepy or scary.
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  • Head Nodding
    A simple way to show that you’re listening and agreeable is to nod in acknowledgement of good points or questions that don’t require a verbal answer.
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  • Firm Handshake
    A firm, but not painful, handshake indicates self-confidence and respect. If you reach out for the handshake first, it signals your interest.
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  • Arms Crossed Over the Chest
    can indicate that a person is being defensive. It can also demonstrate that the individual disagrees with the opinions or actions of other individuals.
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  • Nail Biting
    Nail biting is a type of habit that can demonstrate stress, nervousness, or insecurity. Oftentimes, people bite their nails without even realizing it.
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  • Hand Placed on Cheek
    This example of body language can indicate that a person is lost in thought, or is considering something. A person this lost in thought is not paying attention.
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  • Tapping or Drumming Fingers
    Finger-tapping demonstrates that a person is growing impatient or tired of waiting. It’s a sign of boredom.
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  • Touching Your Nose
    It can be a signal of disbelief or rejection, and it can also demonstrate that an individual is being untruthful about what they are saying.
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  • Placing Your Fingertips Together
    It is a demonstration of control and authority. This type of body language can be used by bosses or authority figures.
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  • Head In Hands
    The head in hands move can demonstrate boredom, or it might show that a person is upset or ashamed and does not want to show their face.
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  • Pulling Your Ear
    People often pull the lobes of one of their ears when they are attempting to make a decision but remain indecisive.
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