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UNIT 1- What expressions can you use in these si ...

  •  English    7     Public
    phone situation
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Could you slow down, please? Could you speak up, please? Could you speak a little louder, please?
    the person speaks too fast or too quietly
  •  15
  • Could you hold on a minute, please?
    you want someone to stop talking while you do something
  •  15
  • Sorry, what exactly does ... mean? / Sorry, I don't know what ... means.
    you don't understand a word/expression the other person uses
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  • Could you spell that for me, please?
    Could you spell that for me, please?
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  • Could you give me a little more information, please? Could you give me some more details, please? Could you expand on that, please? (more formal)
    you want more information about a subject
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  • Sorry, I can't hear you. Could you call me back, please? Sorry, it's a bad line. I can't hear you.
    the connection is not good and you can't continue the conversation
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  • Let's see if I've got this right. Let me check if I've got this right. Could I just confirm what you've told me?
    you want to confirm some information
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