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Third Conditional Questions

  •  English    20     Public
    Questions to practice the third conditional
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  • If you had won the lottery when you were 20, what do you think you would have done with the money?
    ex: I probably would have wasted a lot of it / I would have traveled more / I would have bought a sports car.
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  • If you hadn't started learning English, what other language would you have chosen?
    ex: If I hadn't chosen English, I probably would have chosen Spanish or French.
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  • If you had been born 100 years ago, how do you think your life would have been different?
    ex: If I had been born 100 years ago, I would have had to live through world war II.
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  • If you had been born as a king or queen, what would you have done?
    ex: I would have had my servants bring me lots of exotic fruits.
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  • If you had been in charge of Covid policies when the pandemic started, what would you have done differently?
    ex: I would have started lock down sooner / I would have made masks mandatory sooner.
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  • If you had been born as the opposite sex, how do you think your life would be different?
    ex: If I had been born as a man, I would have had to do mandatory military service, which would have been awful.
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  • If you had been born in the middle ages, What kind of work do you think you would have done?
    ex: I think I would have been a farmer.
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  • If there hadn't been a pandemic, what would you have done that you didn't get to do?
    ex: I would have gone to Europe like I was planning to do.
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  • If the internet had never been invented, how do you think your life would have been different?
    ex: I would have had to read more books and research papers in school instead of using the computer.
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  • If you had never met you current best friend, who do you think your best friend would have been?
    ex: I think my best friend would have been ________.
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  • If you had been born with the knowledge you have now, what would you have done differently in your life?
    ex: I would have studied hard in school / I would have invest in the stock market much earlier.
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  • If you could have chosen any school in the world, where would you have chosen to go for University?
    I would have chosen to go to the University of California.
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  • What is something you wouldn't have bought if you had known how bad it was going to be?
    I never would have bought a Ford car if I had known it would break down so often.
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  • What is something you would have done or bought earlier if you knew had great it would have been?
    I would have bought a dishwasher instead of doing everything by hand.
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  • If you gotten a pet as a child, what pet do you think you would have chosen?
    ex: I probably would have chosen to get a bird.
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  • What do you wish you had done differently in a relationship in the past?
    ex: I wish I had learned my ex boyfriend liked pineapple on pizza, I wouldn't have dated him if I had known.
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