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TOEFL independent speaking questions

  •  English    42     Public
    Test takers can use this resource to practice independent questions and topics before the actual exam.
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  • When people acquire a new product, some prefer to read the directions in the manual to understand how it works. Other people like to experiment with the product to figure it out independently. Which do you prefer and why? Give specific rea
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  • Suppose your sociology professor has asked all students in your class to do a final project—making a presentation. There are two ways : 1. to make the presentation in class; 2. Record the presentation as a video file in advance and show
    the video later in class. Which way do you think would be better and why? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Do you want to record your trip by keeping a diary and taking photos? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Some people choose a profession that will allow them to work independently. Others choose a career that will enable them to work as part of a group. Given a choice, which kind of profession do you prefer and why? Give specific reasons
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  • Which do you prefer? Choose to spend your free time with friends or spend your free time alone. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Which one do you prefer when you disagree with your friends: speaking face to face and through phone calls or sending an email and text message? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Which do you prefer? Navigate with your smartphone or ask someone else when you travel. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Which do you prefer? Take classes in college before you have a career, or have a career before you go to college. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Your professor has offered you the opportunity to help him with some vital research this weekend. However, you have made plans to travel to your hometown this weekend to attend your sister's birthday party. What will you do? Explain
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  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is always best to state your honest opinion, even when you know that others disagree. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction, such as biographies? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Should parents have a say in kids spending their own money they have earned? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Some students regularly review their notes in college, while others like to review them just before tests. State your choice and explain why. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • When visiting a museum that allows photography, some people like to take photographs of the exhibits they see. Others prefer to look at the displays and do not take pictures. Which do you choose? Give specific reasons to support your opini
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  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is acceptable for students to disagree with their instructors. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Which do you prefer? Some people prefer to buy used books, and others prefer to purchase new ones. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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