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Silly Joke Icebreakers

  •  English    12     Public
    Just some random silly jokes to break the ice
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  • Why do bees have sticky hair?
    Because they use a honeycomb!
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  • What do you call a shoe made of a banana?
    You call it a slipper!
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  • What is the best time to go to the dentist?
    It's 2:30! (tooth - hurty)
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  • How does a penguin build a home?
    Igloos it together! (He glues it together)
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  • Why don't skeletons go to the movies?
    Because they have no body to go with!
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  • What is brown and sticky?
    A stick, of course!
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  • What do you say if a doctor tells you that you are going deaf?
    You say, "What?"   (That news is very hard to hear.)
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  • What do you say if someone says, "I'll call you later"?
    You say, Don't call me "Later!" That isn't my name!
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  • What is the tallest building in the world?
    The library is the tallest because it has the most stories!
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  • Why did Patrick fall into the well?
    Because he could not see that well!
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  • Why can't a bicycle stand up by itself?
    Because it's two-tired!
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  • Why couldn't the astronaut land on the moon?
    There was no room left because the moon was full that night!
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