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P3 Vocabulary Game

  •  English    19     Public
    English Vocab
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does 'commercial' mean? (Turkish definition)
    making or intended to make a profit (ticari)
  •  10
  • What does 'obligation' mean? (Turkish definition)
    something that a person feels morally or legally forced to do (zorunluluk)
  •  10
  • What does 'deal with' mean? Explain in English (both a definition or an example is OK).
    to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem
  •  15
  • What does 'hand in' mean? Explain in English (both a definition or an example is OK).
    give something to a person in authority (teslim etmek, vermek)
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  • What does 'essential' mean? Explain in English (both a definition or an example is OK).
    crucial & necessary
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  • What does 'prevent' mean? Explain in English (both a definition or an example is OK).
    keep (something) from happening (önlemek)
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  • What does 'artificial' mean? Explain in English (both a definition or an example is OK).
    not natural, human made
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  • What does 'interact' mean? Explain in English (both a definition or an example is OK).
    to communicate
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  • What does 'convenient' mean? (Turkish definition)
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  • What does 'abondon' mean? Explain in English (both a definition or an example is OK).
    to leave behind sth
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  • What does 'cease' mean? Explain in English (both a definition or an example is OK).
    to stop
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  • What does 'remain' mean? Explain in English (both a definition or an example is OK).
    to stay & to continue to exist
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  • What does 'cope with' mean? Explain in English (both a definition or an example is OK).
    deal effectively with something difficult
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  • What does 'behavior' mean? (Turkish definition)
    the way that someone behaves (davranış)
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  • What does 'conceal' mean? Explain in English (both a definition or an example is OK).
    to hide
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  • What does 'distinguish' mean? (Turkish explanation)
    ayırt etmek/ayırmak
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