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Questions B1

  •  English    40     Public
    Questions to practise speaking
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  • Could you describe your close family? How big is your family?
    In my family there're 4 of us. We always try to do something together unless I have to study for the exams because studies are very important for my future.
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  • Do you do things with your family on a regular basis?
    We used to do many things together but I have to focus on my studies now. I wish we did as many things as before.
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  • How important do you think family is? Why?
    If I didn't have a family, I would have a lot of problems, so they're an essential part in my life. We sometimes argue but I think that's part of life.
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  • Do you have a best friend? Could you describe him/her?
    Yes, I do. I get on like a house on fire with him. He's loyal, down to earth but sometimes dumb. I had to say it.
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  • How important are friends in your life?
    They're essential. Whenever I need someone to talk because I have a problem, they are always there.
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  • What do you and your friends usually do together?
    It depends, for example, last week we went to the beach although we should have gone to the cinema because I want to watch Avatar.
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  • What is/are your favourite subject(s)? Why? And your least? Why?
    Without a doubt, my favourite subject is English because I love doing the optional writings that my teacher sets.
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  • What is your opinion about how your school works?
    My school works very well, but the facilities are very old. I wish we had a better building.
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  • What do you think about homework?
    No one likes homework, but the truth is that they're necessary so that we can learn more and pass the exams with flying colours.
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  • How would you define a good teacher? Do you have any example?
    If you ask me, a good teacher should be a bit demanding, supportive and always friendly that helps to create a good atmosphere in class.
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  • What is your relation with your teachers in general?
    I think we get along very well because we never have arguments and if we do, we patch things up.
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  • What do you like doing in your free time? Who with?
    I don't mind as long as I'm with my friends. We always play it by ear. (BUM) 
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  • Are there any hobbies you would like to try? Why?
    If you ask me, I would like to take up something in the nature like hiking. I love getting off the beaten track. (BUM)
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  • Do you think you have enough spare time? Why?
    I wish I had more time, but my English teacher is all the time giving me homework. He's too demanding.
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  • What did you do last weekend?
    I spent the whole weekend at home because I was sick. If I had been feeling good, I would have gone out with my friends.
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  • How important do you think spare time and entertainment is in our society?
    It's such an important aspect that everyone should have free time at least twice a week. Otherwise, why are we here?
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