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Important terms in childcare

  •  English    9     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name three places where an educator can work
    Nursery school, after-school programe, private household
  •  15
  • What is the difference between "creche" and "infant daycare"?
    "Creche" is British, "Day care" is US/ International
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  • How do you say "HORT" in English?
    After-school (child) care club
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  • What is the difference between toddler, baby, newborn and children?
    baby (0-4), toddler- (2-3), newborn (0-2 months), children (up to 11)
  •  25
  • How do you say "Beruffachschule" in International English?
    Vocational school
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  • Why is the word “educator” maybe not the best for the word “Erzieher:in”?
    The word 'educator' in English is like a big umbrella covering many types of teachers, but it doesn't exactly match the specific job of a 'Erzieher:in' in Germa
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  • How do you say "Erzieher/in im Streetworker-Kontext"?
    Youth worker (US,UK,iE)
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  • Why is it hard to translate "Erzieher" to English?
    Because each country has different school systems
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  • Do you know what a "childminder" is? Do you know any other words for it?
    A person who looks after children in their own home for payment. A babysitter.
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