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SAT Words 6

  •  English    11     Public
    SAT Words
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  • Bob and Carol separated on AMICABLE terms.
    adj. feeling friendly; demonstrating goodwill; peaceable
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  • You are AMONG friends.
    1. In the midst of; surrounded by; included in a group of; 2. from place to place in; 3. in the number or group of; 4. by or with a lot of
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  • To one unfamiliar with the game of rugby, the game appears to be governed by AMORPHOUS rules.
    1. lacking definite form; shapeless; 2. of no specific type; anomolous; 3. indefinite; vague
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  • It is not unusual to find AMPHIBIANS in and around a pond.
    n. 1. any one of a class of cold-blooded vertebrates without scales (including frogs, newts, salamanders, and toads) that starts life with gills, living in the
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  • The sound of the lead singer’s voice is almost inaudible, but the sound engineer will AMPLIFY it to make it stand out.
    vt. 1. to make bigger and stronger; increase or extend (power, authority, etc.); 2. to strengthen by adding details, examples, etc.; 3. (electronics) to strengt
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  • Marcia played solitaire for her own AMUSEMENT.
    n. 1. the condition of being entertained; 2. a thing or activity that amuses or entertains; entertainment
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  • The comedian’s stand-up routine was very AMUSING
    adj. 1. entertaining; diverting; 2. causing laughter or merriment
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  • The depiction in some movies of people interacting with dinosaurs is an often-portrayed ANACHRONISM.
    n. 1. the putting forth of something as having happened outside its appropriate time, especially earlier; 2. anything that seems to be out of its proper time fr
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  • There is an ANALOGY between polar bears and humans, in that both are mammals and both live on earth.
    1. a likeness in some ways between things that are otherwise not alike; 2. the likening of one thing to another based on some shared similarity
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  • The statement is undergoing detailed ANALYSIS to determine its true meaning.
    n. 1. breaking up or separating a whole into its parts so that they can be inspected to determine their nature, proportions, functions, etc.; any detailed inspe
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  • Greg’s ANALYTICAL mind breaks each problem into tiny parts and carefully examines each and every one.
    adj. 1. something that separates into constituent parts; 2. skilled at using analysis
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