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Reflection Year 11

  •  English    19     Public
    What we have learned so far, your comments and suggestions
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name 3 specific things you have learned this term.
    Own answer
  •  25
  • What are 3 specific things you should work on next term?
    Own answer
  •  15
  • Name at least 1 specific thing that you found particularly useful this term.
    Own answer
  •  15
  • What would you like to do more next term?
    Own answer
  •  15
  • Was the following topic covered this term: "Stylistic Devices"?
  •  15
  • Tell me 3 things you should do to make your summary successful
    Own answer
  •  25
  • What is the main difference between a dialogue and an interview?
    Dialogue is an equal conversation between two people whereas in an interview one asks questions while the other answers.
  •  25
  • Is it a good idea to write a conclusion in a summary?
  •  5
  • What stylistic device is used here: "I'm gonna wear a smile."
  •  25
  • What stylistic device is this: "I'll WORSHIP LIKE A DOG at the shrine of your lies."
  •  25
  • What stylistic device is this: "If I could start again A MILLION MILES AWAY, I would keep myself, I would find a way."
  •  25
  • What two types / genres of prose can you choose from in Paper 2 Question 2?
    Narrative and descriptive
  •  25
  • What does PAFT stand for?
    Purpuse Audience Format Tone
  •  25
  • What do you do when you interpret a text or its part?
    Explain its meaning
  •  25
  • What do we call the all-knowing type of a narrator
  •  25
  • Give three examples of a prefix.
    Own answer
  •  20