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IR 4.2 Week 18 Vocab

  •  English    20     Public
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  • The construction works gave the man an ____ of how long it would take to finish building the skycraper.
    estimate (n)
  •  15
  • The _____ of food body builders must eat a lot of is protein.
    category (n)
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  • I wasn't that hungry so I only ate a _____ of a pizza when usually I have the full one.
    quarter (n)
  •  15
  • Trash is thrown away by a person, picked up by the people that work at trash company, then finally brought to a very big _____.
    landfill (n)
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  • It is important to send harmful trash to an ______ before it gets sent to a landfill to avoid hurting the environment.
    incinerator (n)
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  • Plants are amazing because you can use a _____ of one plant to grow a new baby one.
    clipping (n)
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  • The old tomato that was in the refrigerator for 2 months was ____(ed) and shriveled up.
    decay (v)
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  • The strange man's hobby was to collect all the ____ he can find and store it in his house.
    e-waste (n)
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  • The spine of your body is part of the _______ and is responsible for sending signals from your brain to other parts of your body.
    nervous system (n)
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  • It feels very good to _____ something you have been working very hard and long for.
    achieve (v)
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  • There is a holiday called Day of the Dead in some Hispanic cultures where they spend the day worshipping their _____ (s).
    ancestor (n)
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  • A tornado ____(ed) around the town, destroying all the houses it came into contact with.
    swirl (v)
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  • When a ____ in the ocean starts spinning in circles, a whirlpool can form.
    current (n)
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  • Most babies in all species need lots of _____ in order to live healthy lives later on.
    nourishment (n)
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  • We learn about ____(s) and how they connect with each other in science classes like chemistry.
    molecule (n)
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  • The rich farmer owned a successful ______ in the southern part of California that grew corn and sugar.
    plantation (n)
  •  15